Tuesday, December 29, 2009


I got it! It wasn't quite packaged and ready to go in time for Christmas, but it came in the end! It's nice to end things nicely. No tears this time.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Chicken with Broccoli (for real this time)

Sometimes it's a little lonely (boring?) being a Jew on Christmas after your family has already finished with the tradition of eating Chinese food and seeing a movie and they've dropped you off at your empty apartment. And you're sitting at home alone staring at the computer screen because you're too lazy to do anything else and the boots you bought last weekend crushed your toes so you can hardly walk and you really want a hot pocket but that requires your feet to do the work of carrying you to the kitchen. And then you dwell on the lack of closure of [casual] relationships past and it makes you want that hot pocket even more cuz it's warm and gooey and fills the hole that past [casual] relationships never filled in the first place (not THAT hole, silly). I want that hot pocket. I'm fixating on it like Ralphie from a Christmas Story fixated on his Red Ryder BB gun with a compass in the stock, and this thing which tells time...

Friday, December 18, 2009

The Power of Suggestion

I am SO susceptible to the power of suggestion. Placebos work like a charm on me. The minute I start taking medicine to counteract the potential side affects of another medicine I currently take, I start squirming in my chair anticipating some time alone with my ~new~ computer tonight.

It's too bad my opportunities for real physical interaction ran out.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Anatomy and Physiology

I'm currently taking an online anatomy and physiology course and I'd be lying if I pretended not to LOVE it despite the hours of studying that it requires. But it's really fascinating and the online format provides a great opportunity for my classmates and I to share all of our medical histories with each other over the internet (I nearly jumped for joy when we got to the blood unit and I could flaunt my expertise on the perils of ITP and other forms of thrombocytopenia).

It's now almost the last week of class and we've moved on to the gastrointestinal unit. Considering my penchant for discussions of the bodily variety, I was very surprised to learn I did not want to read about how often my classmates have diarrhea (this might relate to the fact that I sort of dislike the majority of my classmates). And I should probably apologize for writing this blog, but as I learned in class...most people actually love to talk about all the awesomely funny and gross things their bodies do! So I will just do it here. And you don't have to read it if you don't want (except you, Kelsey).