Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Surfing the crimson wave

I left my birth control at home when I moved to Indiana. Not really a huge problem, since I'm not planning on putting myself in a situation where pregnancy is an option, but I haven't been off of it in 3 years. I have no idea what it will do to me! I originally began my prescription to clear up my skin and regulate my menstrual cycle so now I'm afraid being off of my meds will do just the opposite! I've had so many dreams that I've grown a giant pimple on the first day of school or gotten my period unexpectedly and in the middle of a crowded place. I've also been sure, on numerous occasions in my waking life, that my period was on display for all to see.

So far none of this has become reality but I've still got a month before I'd expect it to return. I'm almost positive my dreams will play out in some comical (and horribly embarrassing) fashion before September is through.

I will keep you posted!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Gleaming Flaxen Waxen

A few weeks ago, I endured my first Brazilian wax. It didn't actually hurt that much, and I'd consider doing it again, but the claims that it takes weeks for your hair to regrow are blatantly false. Well. Maybe "blatantly" is the wrong word. The hairs that would have been waxed had it been a regular bikini wax are, in fact, still missing. However, most of my hair grew back within one single week! Too fast!

MMM. Grooming.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Celebrate Good Times!

I finally have internet in my new apartment! Hooray!

Yesterday while I was reaching to adjust the water temperature in my brand new shower (the shower itself is not new, but it's new to me!), I smacked my head on the hand rail. Now I have a big* 'ole lump on the top of my head. Right in time to meet all my new classmates tomorrow!


*It's actually not big and you can't really see it, but I thought it sounded funnier to write it that way. And then to divulge the truth. Yea!

Friday, August 20, 2010

If a tree falls in the woods.

I just arrived in Indiana...and since I don't have internet in my apartment yet, I've been spending a lot of time in the bookstore taking advantage of their free Wi-Fi. I also purchased a book while I was there...and when I returned home and my roommate asked me what I'd bought, I had a hard time explaining what possessed me to buy "Stiff: the Curious Lives of Human Cadavers." I make awesome first impressions. It IS an awesome book though.

Sunday, August 15, 2010


I'm starting the big ole' drive to Indiana! Today I arrived in Bedford, PA where I went with my mom on a self guided driving tour of it's famed covered bridges (awesome). We ended up seeing five bridges and then taking a detour to Gravity Hill, where cars in neutral are rumored to roll up the hill. We got there and it was hardly a hill. And our car didn't move. So much for that.

We also saw a crazy car fire! I was pretty scared it would explode in my face. It didn't. Phew. I hope no one was hurt! Tomorrow I'm off to Columbus, OH!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Wokka wokka wokka

I've moved in with my parents, and due to the fact that I can only access the internet from their computer right now and I'm a little bit afraid to leave any trace of this blog on their machine, I've fallen behind in my updates. [Note to self: don't forget to erase the history when you're done writing this pointless blog entry].

Today I accidentally saw my dad in his underwear and I lost my debit card. So despite a change of scenery, there's no shortage of stupid things happening to me.