Wednesday, April 28, 2010

More Hanson Adventures.

The wives of the brothers Hanson are no good for my self esteem. They are all so gosh-darn gorgeous. I found myself staring at them instead of at Hanson for the entire length of the show tonight and envying them completely (except for the churning out kids thing. And the part about catering solely to their husband's careers, despite the fact that it's a fun one).

Oh! Also, there was a wasted girl trying to hit on the Hanson's 16 year old brother. She got kicked out of the venue. Woops!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Flock Together

I need a duvet cover. The feathers from my down comforter keep escaping. This means they land all over everything from my clothes (I keep a lint roller on my dresser and on my desk at work) to my throat. I can't stop coughing. I think I inhaled a feather.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

I've Been Thinking 'Bout Somethin' Other than Poo

When it comes down to it, my favorite thing in the world really has nothing to do with poo, or the physiological names for our body parts, or tomatoes. My favorite thing in the world is Hanson. Hanson Hanson Hanson.

And because I'm the epitome of a teenybopping nerd, I just have to share their adorkable new video for their latest single, Thinking 'Bout Somethin (Ugh. Yes. It's spelled that way). I criticize, but I love.

Please enjoy! (And I do mean enjoy. This is me commanding you to enjoy it)

Monday, April 12, 2010

Electric Gardnerella

Don't ever get a bacterial infection in your you-know-what. Just.Don't.Do.It.
I know y'all wanted to read my sage advice on the matter.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Cammanderson Jones

Guess which idiot forgot to bring clean underwear to the gym this morning. Hello, panty-liner taped to my leggings. I also dropped my lunch all over the carpet on my way to the kitchen. I was really excited about that lunch though. So naturally I picked it all up, scurried to the kitchen and washed it off in shame. Someone was getting coffee. I think she was on to me.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Let it Spew

I'd like to share a selection from an email I received from my good friend. Let's call him T. To preface this story, I should explain that T has two cats. One is named Meener and the other is named Boo.

T says: "so.....GROSSEST THING EVARRRRRR. this morning, meener was barfing a little, don't know wasn't even that much. Boosephine, for whatever reason, likes said barf and always tries to eat it, so i have to chase her away before I clean. On this particular occasion, Boo got to meener mid-hurl and GOT BARF ALL OVER HER HEAD. I had to chase her down and clean her head before i dealt with the mess on the floor. SO MUCH GROSS. CATS ARE GROSS. I'M NEVER HAVING BABIES."

I don't know. I thought that was hilarious. Maybe that's just me.

P.S. I hope Meener is ok!